
On the basis of the owner's decision, ABM Mérnöki Iroda Kft. (ABM Engineering Ltd.) was closed down.

We continue to maintain and develop ArtBook technology — which can be used to create digital art albums on iOS (iPhone / iPad) — with my friend Árpád Bedő software developer, mathematician.

Digital fine art album app for Apple iPad/iPhone systems:
ArtBook - Andrássy Kurta János
ArtBook - Wagner Nándor
ArtBook - Domján József
ArtBook - Kádár Tibor
MKE Szobrász Diplomázók (hungarian only)
With using the Apple's Mac Catalyst technology these albums are accessible on Macintosh/macOS systems (Catalina 10.15.1 or better) through the AppStore.

The sculptor’s graduation albums have been released in a new, consolidated album, with older versions removed from the App Store. New graduates will be added to the new joint album during the updates.

The following album accessible only on iOS systems::
Vivát VARGA! - Imre Varga sculptor is 90 years old (hungarian only)

Based on the ArtBook technology a new series started by name Élő Magyar Művészet which present of works of contemporary artists:
These albums are accesible too on Macintosh macOS systems:
2016/1 István Ughy painter
2016/2 Géza Sallai sculptor

We released in cooperation with the developers of the Köztérkép site the
Szoborkeresö (Find a statue) application.
We offer our services creating downloadable versions of books or publications in PDF and EPUB formats.

János Andrássy Kurta - The Sculpture of the Hungarian People (A magyar nép szobrászata)

Bálint Andrási
iOS/macOS software engineer
Address: 2094 Nagykovácsi, Kossuth Lajos u. 55. Hungary
Mobile: +36 20 393 8116
E-mail: abm@abm.hu